日本における鍋の近代化を事例として 近代家庭機器のデザイン史







Japanese pots and pans have totally changed in the past one hundred years. They have been modernized and Westernised as have many other everyday artifacts and today, they are few obvious differences with the West. With a closer look, however, we do find some significant difference in their development process. In this paper, I trace these processes and try to account for their design changes through their background.

From the beginning of modernization in Meiji Era, western style pans were introduced. The material of pans gradually changed from cast-iron into sheet metal, and porcelain enamel pans and aluminium pans dominated the market by the 1930s. The history of manufacturers of cast-iron pans, and of aluminium pans shows the conservative nature of cast-iron manufactures which could not catch up with the market change. During the Second World War, the manufactures of pots and pans were converted into munitions plants, and the structural change in the industry was hastened.

The design changes of pots and pans around 1900 to 1970 are explained through some design elements; bottom shape, size range, single or double handles, and wall thickness. The changes of these elements reflect the changes in the background factors; fuel for cooking, family sizes, the way of cooking, and requirement for the appearance of pans. In post war years, pans possessed in each household increased by the eclectic nature of the present Japanese cooking and by the custom of gifts.
